Our Favorite Pieces of Advice from Creator Features in 2023

Quantious Team
3 min readDec 31, 2023

Unlocking the secrets of AR creation with insights from our incredible interviews in 2023! 🌐✨ Hear it from the creators themselves — their advice for anyone stepping into the world of AR. Get ready to be inspired and spark the creativity within you! 💡🚀

“First of all, it’s a great time to get involved. The industry is still in its infancy so it’s easy to make a name for yourself. Creators in older industries like photography have to spend 20+ years to become industry leaders, XR is so new that within 18 months you can rise to the top.” — Doddz

“Getting started in the AR industry may seem overwhelming. Millions of different effects out there require totally different areas of expertise to build. What I recommend is to take a few courses on design and 3D. Having a solid understanding of 3D will give you a huge leg up. Nearly all my effects use 3D elements. You also need a lot of self-motivation.” — Eddy Adams

“Unity the 3D Engine has great resources to learn AR/VR development, BrandXR’s CEO Moody Mattan was enlisted to give valuable industry insights in Unity’s Pathway on VR Development. This free, six-week course teaches you how to build compelling VR experiences and provides ample opportunity to practice your skills. The Pathway also offers valuable industry insights from established creators. Along the way, you’ll complete eight unique projects, collect XP points, and earn a Pathway badge to display on your LinkedIn profile. It’s the perfect way to dive into VR.” — Josh Garcia, Brand XR

“Familiarize yourself with 3D space in SparkAR and 3D software. Learn how 3D objects fit into real world space. Also learning tools like Photoshop can help with 2D effects, andgaming techniques can help with optimizing your 3D assets for any augmented reality platform.” — Pixel Chefs

“My advice would be to let your imagination run wild. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas and techniques, and don’t feel like you need to follow tutorials or step-by-step instructions to the letter. Instead, try to approach AR creation as a way to express your unique vision and perspective, and to explore the possibilities of the medium in your own way. If you find yourself stuck or in need of guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the AR community for support and inspiration” — Charly Bourgain

“When discussing AR, it’s important to consider its broader implications: it’s a tangible example of what the internet of tomorrow will look like. AR is particularly interesting for mobile users because they can utilize their cameras as versatile tools, just like a keyboard. This means that through the camera, they can enjoy a range of experiences, entertainment, and practical applications, such as shopping, problem-solving, or education. AR adds another layer of experience to the real world.” — Sophie Thi, Atomic Digital Design

“My advice for everyone starting with AR is that everything is possible. Especially working with a new medium like this one, there is no legacy or right way to do things.” — Nadine Kolodziey

“Start simple and celebrate each small learning success. Just as Rome was not built in a day, it is important to recognize that learning and mastery take time and effort, and we should not expect perfection overnight.” — Hongwei Tang

“My primary advice is to dive in and start now! I believe AR become one of the integral parts of our future. But even if it doesn’t, it’s an incredibly fun field to explore. Start learning and don’t hesitate to ask the community. When you stumble upon something complex, try to decompose it to a bunch of simpler tasks and solve them one by one.” — Denis Rossiev

